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Intelius is being monitored for privacy compliance. We have manually confirmed their Privacy Policy is clear. They have not signed our Privacy Pledge. They do not comply with our deletion requests. Your data is at High Risk with Intelius. Be careful!
Last Responded: March 14th, 2024 - 4 months ago
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How do i delete my Intelius account

Intelius is a background check service that aggregates information about individuals that is available on public records like federal, local, and state government agencies, and organizes it into a comprehensive report. It allows users to search for information on individuals as well as properties and also offers a reverse phone lookup service. Intelius is providing a Single Report service that makes your information more accessible for its users.

But you can keep this information from anyone's reach by opting out from their website. Below is a step-by-step procedure on how to remove your listings from their database(s).

Step 1: Go to the Website's Opt-out Page

Go to Intelius homepage here:


Scroll down to the bottom left part of their page. Locate and click on the "Do Not Sell My Personal Information" link.


Step 2: Search for your Information

You will be asked if you are currently or have previously been an Intelius Customer. If "Yes", you will be directed to their login page, otherwise you will be directed to their Information Opt-out page right away.


Type in your first name, last name, the state where you live, and email address then click on the "Continue" button.


Step 3: Locate and Remove Listing that belongs to you

Find your listing and click the "Remove this Record" button. Please note that in order to delete multiple records, you have to remove them one by one. 


Step 4: Confirm Opt-Out Request

You will receive an email upon submitting your opt-out request. For security reasons, in order for them to begin processing your request, you must click the "Confirm Email" button included in the email.


You will be redirected back to the website, and your opt-out request will be submitted.


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