Instant Checkmate is a people search platform that provides detailed background reports on individuals. They collect data from public records, criminal databases, social media, and other online sources to offer information such as contact details, criminal histories, and social media profiles. Instant Checkmate is often used for background checks, reconnecting with people, or personal research.
To request deletion of your Instant Checkmate account and all associated personal data, follow these instructions:
Go to this link.
Select the nature of the request.
Fill out the form with your email.
Lastly, click the 'DELETE MY USER DATA' button.
You're done! Simple and Easy. Thank you for your patience in following the guide.
You may also have the option to submit a privacy request by reaching out to their support team via email. To do this, simply compose an email addressed to [email protected]. Clearly outline your request or concerns regarding your privacy. Be sure to include any relevant information that may assist them in addressing your inquiry effectively.