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Epsilon is being monitored for privacy compliance. We have manually confirmed their Privacy Policy is clear. They have not signed our Privacy Pledge. They do not comply with our deletion requests. Your data is at High Risk with Epsilon. Be careful!
Last Responded: April 10th, 2024 - 17 days ago
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How do i delete my Epsilon account

Epsilon is a data broker website that gives its users access to any available data in their databases to better market to their customers.

The risk of your privacy getting compromised is high if you let websites like this store your information in their databases. Follow the steps below to remove yourself from this website.

Step 1: Go to the Website's Opt-out Page

Go to Epsilon's homepage here:


Scroll down to the bottom section of the page, then locate and click the "Do Not Sell My Personal Information" link.


Step 2: Submit an Opt-out Request

You will have to fill up all the required fields in the form on the next screen. Start by selecting "Do not sell my information/Opt-Out" as your Request Type, then enter your first and last name. You can also submit a deletion request by selecting the "Delete My Personal Information", but since they only accept one request per submission, you'll have to redo the steps from the beginning to submit multiple requests.


Provide your complete address (Street, City, State/Province, and Postal code), then perform the CAPTCHA and click the "Submit" button.


Step 3: Opt-Out Request Confirmation

You will see a confirmation that your Opt-out request has already been submitted.


Please note that deletion requests require verifying the identity of the consumer whose personal information was submitted. Epsilon provides this information to the service provider for verification services. In cases when the service provider can not verify the identity for the name, address, and date of birth submitted, you will have to re-submit your request.

Frequently Asked Questions About Epsilon
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