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ClassMates is being monitored for privacy compliance. We have manually confirmed their Privacy Policy is clear. They have not signed our Privacy Pledge. They do not comply with our deletion requests. Your data is at High Risk with ClassMates. Be careful!
Last Responded: Never
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How do i delete my ClassMates account

ClassMates is a People Search Site that serves as a directory of high school and class lists. Its users will be able to access any information this website has on you, all they need to do is to create a free account and search for your profile from the website's directory. They can also pay for a premium membership and get more services like locating their search subject's current address.

Remove your information from this website by following the steps below.

Step 1: Locate the School or Institution where you Graduated

Go to the ClassMates homepage here: Then, locate your listing by selecting the state, city, and school where you graduated from.




Step 2: Search for your Listing

Use the website's people search function to find your record or listing.


Step 3: Get a Copy of your Listing's URL

After opening your listing, take note of or copy the URL.


Step 4: Send your Request through Email

Since there is no direct option to opt-out from the ClassMates website, you will have to email "[email protected]" requesting them to delete your information. Make sure to include your Profile URL in the email body.


Frequently Asked Questions About ClassMates
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